Dra. Valentina Emilia Balas, Ph.D.

Advances in Soft Computing and Applications


Dra. Valentina Emilia Balas, Ph.D.


The presentation is focusing on soft computing methodology used in designing of complex systems. Nowadays, computers are doing many tasks on two-digit numbers which seeks precision, certainty, and rigor by following conventional rules. But there are tasks which require natural intelligence, that are best handled by human brains. While conventional computers are suitable for handling task sequentially, other tasks that required natural intelligence, past experience, self-improvements, probabilistic reasoning is best handled using parallel processing. Researchers are1 working to mimic human brains, so in the realm of artificial intelligence emerged the field of Soft Computing. This topic was introduced by Professor Lotfi Zadeh who showed that computation, reasoning, decision making should exploit the tolerance for imprecision and uncertainty and said that soft computing techniques uses the human brain as a role model. Professor Zadeh is a legend in fuzzy logic, known as a root of Artificial intelligence. Soft computing represents a collection of methodologies like fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, which exploit the tolerance for imprecision and uncertainty to achieve robustness and low-cost solutions. Fuzzy logic and expert systems are considered good approaches to solve control problems in many applications. We introduced methodologies and some applications in the case of different complex systems, where we provided elements of deterministic knowledge about the processes and assisted the design with simulations. We will a/so introduce some recent regulations on Artificial intelligence.



Dra. Valentina Emilia Balas, Ph.D., is is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Automatics and Applied Software at the Faculty of Engineering, University “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad (Romania). She holds a Ph.D. in Applied Electronics and Telecommunications from Polytechnic University of Timisoara since 2003. She is author of more than 140 research papers in refereed journals and International Conferences. Her research interests are in Intelligent Systems, Fuzzy Control, Soft Computing, Smart Sensors, Information Fusion, Modeling and Simulation, Electronics, Measurements and System Theory. She is Editor-in Chief to International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (IJAIP), member in Editorial Boards for national and international journals. Dr. Valentina Balas has a great experience in research project. She is a member of EUSFLAT, ACM and a Senior Member IEEE, member in TC – Fuzzy Systems (IEEE CIS), member in TC – Emergent Technologies (IEEE CIS), member in TC – Soft Computing (IEEE SMCS) and also a member in IFAC – TC 3.2 Computational Intelligence in Control.